Writing Rules

1. The articles submitted for publication in the journal must not have been published elsewhere or sent for publication.

2. TEXT FIELD: Articles must be written in Microsoft Word program. A4 should be selected as the paper type. Page layout (spaces) of the sections; as "top: 2 cm", "bottom: 2 cm", "right: 1.5 cm", "left: 2 cm", "indent left: 0 cm", "indent right: 0 cm", "custom: none" must be set. Abstract, Introduction, Figures, Tables, Bibliography and Notes should not exceed 25 pages in total.

3. WRITTEN CHARACTERS: The font is "Times New Roman"; font size should be set to "11 point". "Single line spacing" should be used as line spacing. Between paragraphs (before-after) "6 pt (inch)" spaces should be left. No additional blank lines should be left between paragraphs, except for the spaces in question.

4. In the writing, one character space (space) should be left after commas and periods (punctuation marks). Manuscripts should be written as paragraphs and "justified on both sides".

5. MAIN TITLE: The general title of the article should be written in bold, aligned to the left and in 15 points. The first letters of the words used should be written in uppercase and the other letters in lowercase. English title should be written under the Turkish title. No line space should be left between the Turkish and English titles, and "6 pt" space should be left for before and after. The first letter of the words in the English title will be written in uppercase and the other letters in lowercase. The English title should be written in italics, in normal color (not bold), aligned to the left and in 12 points.

6. AUTHOR INFORMATION: After the English title (bottom line), the author's Name and SURNAME should be written left-justified, bold, Times New Roman font and 10 font size, without leaving any spaces. The academic title, institution and e-mail address of the author, respectively, should be written on the bottom line, left aligned, in normal color (not bold), italic and 10 font size, fully and clearly. If there is more than one author, other authors should be added one after the other in the same way. Author information should not be shown with additional footnotes.

7. MAIN SECTIONS: The text of the article should be divided into "ABSTRACT", "ABSTRACT", "INTRODUCTION", Text, "CONCLUSION" and "REFERENCES". The main sections should be written in 11 points, bold (bold), capital letters and left aligned. Except for "CONCLUSION" and "REFERENCES", all main headings should be numbered in order, starting with 1.

8. TURKISH SUMMARY AND ABSTRACT: Abstract part "Turkish" should be between 120 - 250 words. At the end of the abstract, there should be at least 3 and at most 5 "keywords" suitable for the content. Abstract part of the abstract should be prepared as an "English" translation of the Turkish abstract text and key words. The words "SUMMARY" and "ABSTRACT", which are the titles of these sections, should be written in capital letters, in bold, with "6 pt" paragraph spacing before and after. Turkish and English abstract sections should be prepared with their titles, 3.5 paragraph indentation, justified, 9 font size.

9.  TEXT: The language used in article writing should be clear, understandable and fluent. The text must comply with the spelling and spelling rules of the Turkish Language Institution. In the "text" section in application-based studies, "Subject, Purpose, Importance of Research", "Research Methodology (universe, sample, scales, data collection method and tool, constraints, data analysis techniques used)" "Literature Review" and "Results" sub-sections parts should be included.
10. OTHER TITLES (CHAPTER TITLES): In title numbers, numbers should be given from the Introduction. Headings and subheadings should be numbered. All section titles should be in the first line setting and be like this.
1. TITLE (All capital letters and all bold - 11 point)
1.1. Title (Words are justified, bold (bold) and only capital letters - 11 points)
1.1.1. Title (Words are justified, bold (bold) and only capital letters - 11 points)

11. TABLES AND FIGURES: All tables, figures and graphics within the study sections should be centered on the page in a sequentially numbered manner at appropriate places in the text. Each table, figure or graphic should be given a title. Title; should be placed above the table, figure or graphic, centered on the page and the table, with only the initials of the words in capital letters and in 10 points. The text in tables, figures and graphics should be in the range of 8-11 points. Tables, figures or graphics should be easily readable and placed on the page in accordance with the page structure (not exceeding the page margins) given above. References should be added just below the figures and tables.

12. SHOWING REFERENCE (CITATION): It is imperative to comply with the principles of citation (scientific citation rules) in the study. All responsibilities in this respect are owned by authors / authors. References should be made in accordance with APA standards by opening parentheses, giving the date and Page Number in the text. Additional explanations should be displayed at the bottom of the page using the footnote method.


Single Author: xxx (Keleş, 2006:289).

Two Authors: xxx (Mecek ve Doğan, 2015:214).

Three or more Authors: xxx (Giritli vd., 2012:325).

13. REFERENCES (bibliography): All references should be included in the bibliography section. The resources used should be listed in alphabetical order according to the surname of the author and together  without making distinction of qualifications (thesis, book, article, report, etc.). The works of the same author should be placed in the bibliography starting with the “oldest date”. Legislation and official gazettes should be grouped under the same rules at the bottom of the bibliography and given separately.


BULUT, Yakup (2002), "Integration of Local Governments into Technology", Proceedings Book of the 1st International Local Governments, University and Industry Cooperation Symposium, Gazi University Publication, Ankara, pp.337-351.

BİLGİN, Kamil Ufuk (2011), "Human Resources Management and Turkish Public Personnel System'', Public Administration and Public Policies in Turkey (Ed. Filiz Kartal), Publications of Public Administration Institute of Turkey and the Middle East, Ankara, pp.221-240.

ERYİĞİT, Burak Hamza (2016), "Guardianship Control Applied in the Establishment Process of Local Government Unions in the Context of Local Development and a Model Proposal", Marmara University Journal of Political Sciences, No. 4(1), pp.283-295.

KAHRAMANMARAŞ METROPOLITAN MUNICIPALITY (2017), "Visit to the Elderly from the Metropolitan Municipality", E-News, https://kahramanmaras.bel.tr/haber/2017/10/30/buyuksehirden-yaslilara-ziyaret#&gid=null&pid=9 (Access Date: 25.06.2018).

GÖKÇE, Deniz (1997), “The Problem of the Independence of the Central Bank”, Milliyet, 15 March 1997, No. 4.

ESMER, Şenol (2008), "Local Government Unions", Unpublished Master's Thesis, Afyon Kocatepe University Institute of Social Sciences, Afyonkarahisar.

ULUSOY, Ahmet and AKDEMİR, Tekin (2013), Local Administrations, Seçkin Publications, Ankara, 8th Edition.

Public Financial Management and Control Law No. 5018, (Official Gazette dated 24.12.2003 and numbered 25326).

Note: General considerations adopted in scientific writings should be taken into account in cases not specified in the writing